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Kay Naft (Phase 4)


Drainage Installation on Home Downspouts

Customer: Kay Naft (1649)

Phone: (253) 355-7738

Address: 1641 Bear Paw Lane (DeLand, FL)


  • (MF) Eric Moore

  • (LF3) Ethan Yorio- Field Project Manager

  • (CM2) David Gilliand

  • (CM2) Maurice Simpson



  • Drainage Trenches must be hand dug. Use extreme caution on both north and south sides of home for electrical and gas lines. Gas lines are painted out, electrical on south side is not.


  • Tie into newly installed drainage from pool deck drain with 4” (T) connection.

  • Pool Drains Move South, dig next to downspout to find pipe, cut and angle towards the drainage we just installed and connect so that it flows into the live well.

(Paver Installation)

  • Install (300 sqft.) of Amaretto Pavers in 20x15’ area with next fence border tying into pool deck level. (Color Match to existing pavers)

  • Estimate is only for (2) Pallets at (248 sqft.) If more pavers are needed utilize pavers on site from previous projects if we need more that what is currently on site than we will have to purchase and pick up a new pallet to complete project.

  • Ensure concrete border is flush with new fence surrounding the area.


  • (1) 4” T Connection

  • (2) Pallets of Amaretto Pavers

  • Drainage Pipe from the shop (Solid) for drainage connection.

  • (2) Concrete (80 lb.) Bags

  • (5) Tons of Paver Base


  • 7.3 L/ Sure Trac

  • V10/ U-Dump

  • Wheel Barrells

  • Blower

  • Shovels

Current Site Plans have deviated from original site plans.

March 7

Michael O’Brien(1652)

March 21

Dennis Kletzing (1670)