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Jason Croft


Irrigation Rennovation (Zone 4)

Customer: Jason Croft

Address: 812 W. Highland Ave. (DeLand, FL)

Crew: Ethan to Lead Project (Eric to Teach)

  • (DM) Eric Moore

  • (FM) Ethan Yorio

  • (OM) Nathan Cabral

SCOPE: (DO NOT use purple pipe from shop)

  • Renovation of Zone 4 within the backyard of home

  • Zone enhancements to provide maximum coverage to all beds pertaining to zone 4 TBD on site of zone construction.

Supplies: to be picked up after plan of action is made hopefully utilizing from material at shop Site one visit/ Lowes if needed for any additional supplies not at the shop.


Cam:Please use any material that we currently have at the shop (do not use purple pipe) all heads, fittings and most pipe should be able to use what is already in inventory.”

Eric to drop off Ethan with rental to aid Nathan in job if Debbies is not finished up and go finish Debbies.


  • 7.3L & Sure Trac with supplies and Trencher Rental

  • Irrigation Boxes

  • Trencher Rental

  • Wheel Barrell

  • Weed Barrier for debris to not affect grass.

October 11

Doug / Mitzi (SC1-2)

October 16

Carriage Homes Sod