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John Mormile


Drainage Inspection/ Paver Sanding

Drainage Inspection/ Paver Sanding

Customer: John Mormile (1624)

Phone: (860) 301-9372

Address: 1626 Victoria Gardens Dr. (DeLand, FL)


  • (OM) Nathan Cabral

  • (CM2) Jonathan Howell



  • Drainage inspection (check for leaks on south western downspout where hole is forming) Stick hose in gutter hole and ensure water flows out of bottom and no holes form.

  • If holes form while inspecting dig up area and figure out what needs to be repaired send final report to homeowner and Camren.

    • Repairs not included in inspection pricing

    • Removed from contract, not approved

(Paver Sanding)

  • Install (4) bags of TAN polymetric sand to pavers in screen cage and walkway to front

    • Crew to move and replace deck furniture


  • Nate: Personal Vehicle & Tools.

  • Johnathan: V10, Broom, Hose, (4) Bags of Polymeric Sand from Lowes

February 2

Grant Shetterly

February 6

Kay Naft (Phase 2)